The American Wheat Ale
This is the American version of German Hefeweizen which originated from Germany. The beer has a certain fluffy characteristic due to the balance of the grain bill which is 50%-70% wheat. Its body ranges from light to medium, and it has a somewhat cloudy appearance with a hint of banana, citrus, and clove.
American Amber Ale
A favorite of the American populace, this beer is very well-balanced. There is not a single ingredient of this beer that overpowers the rest. While this type of ale takes on the aspects of any ingredient added, this beer is relatively simple for novices and has a lot of room for mess-ups. Overall, this is a good beer to try out.
American Brown Ale
This may be classified as American or English. The distinction of the American Brown Ale is that it uses American hops and yeast while the English Brown Ale uses ingredients not typical to the American. Much like the Amber Ale, this is also a well-balanced ale but slightly darker owing to the use of dark malt. Light to medium in the body as well and is enjoyed in any season of the year.